Dr Tomoko Tamari
Dr Tomoko Tamari is a Reader in the Institute of Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship and member of the Centre for Urban and Community Research, Goldsmiths, University of London. She is also managing editor of the journal Body & Society (SAGE).
Her long-standing research interests focus on consumer culture in Japan and Japanese new women, which will be discussed in her forthcoming book entitled, Women and Consumer Culture: the Department Store, Modernity and Everyday Life in Early Twentieth Century Japan (Routledge). She is also currently editing Human Perception and Digital Information Technologies : Animation, the Body and Affect (Bristol University Press).
She has published ‘Metabolism: Utopian Urbanism and the Japanese Modern Architecture Movement’ in Theory Culture & Society, Vol 31 (7-8); The Phenomenology of Architecture: A Short Introduction to Juhani Pallasmaa’ in Body & Society, Vol 23 (1); and ‘Body Image and Prosthetic Aesthetics’ in Body & Society Vol 23 (2). (Publications list)
She is currently working in the following areas: Body Image and Technology; Olympic Cities and Architecture; Human Perception and the Moving Image.
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