Tamari, Tomoko. 2012. ‘Metabolism: the Emergence of Modern Architecture Movement and the Rediscovery of a Japanese Aesthetic’ in Yuan Jian (ed), China Book Review, 9, pp. 58-65. ISSN 1674-912X. In Chinese. [Article]
Tamari, Tomoko and Featherstone, Mike. 2011. 'The Cultural Politics of Ryukyu Cuisine: China and Satsuma Influences in the Development of Food Culture'. In: The Proceedings of The 12th Symposium on Chinese Dietary Culture. Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China. [Conference]
Tamari, Tomoko. 2009. 'The Culture of Shopping’. In: S Inoue and K Ito, eds. Sociology Basics, Fashion and Everyday Culture. Vol.7. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 137-146. [Book Section]
Tamari, Tomoko. 2007. ‘Consumer Culture and Chinese Food in Britain’. Jiangxi Social Sciences, 8, pp. 234-244. In Chinese. [Article]
Tamari, Tomoko. 2005. 'Chinese Food in Britain: Consumer Culture and Taste’. Ajia Yugaku (Intriguing Asia), 77, pp. 128-139. Special issue on ‘Global Chinese Food’, in Japanese [Article]
Tamari, Tomoko. 2000. ‘A Study of the Socio-cultural Role of the Department Store and the Formation of Gender Identity in Japan: the Saleswomen in Modern Urban Culture and the Rise of Department Store,’. Japan Association for Cultural Economics, 2(2), pp. 71-84. In Japanese. [Article]
Tamari, Tomoko. 1999. ‘The Social Roles of the Department Store in Japan: the History of Way of Seeing and the Formation of the Modern Consumer,’. Japan Association for Cultural Economics, 1(4), pp. 53-63. In Japanese. [Article]